Why many start-ups to large firms are willing to utilizing NFT tokens in their business?

3 min readAug 19, 2021


IBM recently announced a platform under blockchain technology, it can be utilized by the non-fungible tokens with RFID( Radio Frequency Identification) it is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. In IBM, RFID is used to monitor car sales, This platform is also utilizing auto registration.

So it is easy to sell a car, for example, if your car was tokenized, you could just accept payment for the item and transfer over the token it would represent the ownership of the vehicle. It will reduce the timing instead of showing ID, registration document and ownership document.

Governments are also looking towards Non-fungible tokens to help to reduce the fraud activities in a current land record system.

Are you heard about Cryptokitties?

Cryptokitties are the first use case of Non-Fungible Tokens. This game allows the user to buy, sell and trade unique digital assets in the form of virtual cats. The most popular platform in use for the development of Non-Fungible tokens is ERC-721 Protocol.

non-fungible tokens create a form of digital scarcity that can be verified without the need for a centralized authority to confirm validity. It is this fundamental scarcity that gives the tokens to their value.

The best use case for Blockchain-based Non-Fungible Tokens

Artists do not have any secured galleries to showcase their work to attract buyers, Blockchain is open and decentralized which means anyone in the network can view the art piece and directly get in touch with the seller, so it can reduce the intermediaries.

When a painting is tokenized, it gives a specific value that is unique, irreplaceable and uncopyable so these values are called Non-Fungible Tokens. It can be prevented from the theft of art pieces. It is also called a Tokenization of art.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully, this guide has been useful to you and also you get a clear idea about what is Non-Fungible Tokens and how it can helpful for start-ups and business.

If you are looking for the best Non-Fungible Token Development Company? Or want to build your own Non-Fungible Token for your various business purposes? Then you’re reached in the right place!

As a leading Token Development Company, Developcoins provides end-to-end non-fungible token development services and solutions globally, The team of dedicated blockchain developers is specialized in creating the standard tokens with a set of protocols and also provides a complete set of solutions for creating secure and scalable dapps.

Why Choose Developcoins for Non-Fungible NFT token

There is a huge demand for creating non-fungible tokens, Among them, Developcoins furnishes in offering you the customized token with an innovative platform as per your business demands and also offer highly secure and complete unique business solutions that help you to build your own non-fungible token independently with a short duration of time.

We always provide 24*7 services to the clients. So they can easily get in contact with our support team. The team of skilled developers will provide their full support to the customer even after the project is delivered.

Developcoins assured that your information is highly confidential and secured.

